Sunday, April 5, 2009

Loser post

My family tell me that posting 3 things in one day is the sure sign of a Loser.

Banana Bread

I got this recipe from my mate Trish.  We endured babies together.  The recipe says "Banana Cake".  Its for using unused bananas.  In my house, this means ordering 3kgs bananas for the week, in the hope that some will survive to baking day. Sometimes this works. I use wholemeal flour and brown sugar, cos I reckon it tastes yummy.

1/2 cup sour cream, or normal cream, or plain yogurt, or whatever looks similar in your fridge (they'll never know).
3 tblsp butter
2 eggs (or 3 - it's all good)
2/3 cup sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon (just throw it in, add some nutmeg, go for it)
2 ripe bananas (or 4... whatever is there, and needs using)

Put all this in a big bowl and blend, mix, whatever til it's all smooth.

2 cups sr flour
1/2 tsp salt

Add these to the rest.
Put it all into into a large loaf tin.  (Lined is good).

180 degrees C 
for around an hour.

I got the picture from this blog - think I'll go read more...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Blog for a rainy day

It's raining outside.  Great drops of water are falling from the mango tree.  The kitchen bench is strewn with banana bread crumbs.  Sorry CA folk, none left for you.  Time, now, to do a little blogging.  

Looking at other's blogs, I found this gorgeous, bright, sunny photo from the ideas festival. At the State Library! It's from the who built this city? blog.